The Web Design Blunders You Need To Avoid

Chances are that if you think about it, you can remember one or two companies or businesses you were taking a serious look at doing business with, until you saw their website. Whether it was a technical issue, an array of typos and confusing web copy, or an outright ugly design, you’d be surprised what could cause a negative impression. With the tables turned, you want to make sure that you avoid some of the common web design issues out there for your business website. Here are some common examples:

Lack of Mobile Responsiveness: Approximately 50% of all people who go online do so from a mobile device. One of the worst things you can do is not include responsive design, alienating a massive swath of your audience. Even if someone used both platforms, would they really want to work with a company that didn’t put the amount of thought needed into this? 52% of people said a bad mobile experience makes it less likely for them to want to engage with a company.

Massive Media Files: Chances are that while you do your research on putting together a website, you’ve heard about the importance of having visual appeal. This is correct, but there’s a right and wrong way to do this. The wrong way is using huge image and video files to do so. The major reason for this is that people have a very low attention span when it comes to loading sites. If it takes too long, people just assume there is a technical issue. There are also behind-the-scenes issues to consider as well. Google rewards pages that load quickly. And on that subject…

Not Optimizing For SEO: A lot of people have conflicting opinions on how SEO impacts your bottom line in terms of marketing, but there are a lot of ways you can work it to your advantage while doing things you would normally do while constructing a website anyway. Making sure to use headings, alt-tags, and metadata all stack the deck in your favor. The reason why people see little results from their SEO efforts is that they choose their keywords poorly. Try to think of something more niche in order to see the biggest impact.

Missing The Basics: Do you have contact information accessible from every page? What about calls to action to get those all-important conversions? Did you make sure that you don’t have any broken links? One of the biggest ways people fall short with their website is missing the smaller details, especially when making a more complex website. Be sure to check and double-check to avoid these problems.

Any one of these issues can be a massive impediment to your business success. Extensive downtime to fix issues and errors means people can’t actually use your website. Having to pay extra money can disrupt your cash flow in a dangerous way. As a result, you want to minimize the chance of web design mishaps by enlisting a web design service. Not only can they help fix issues that have already taken place, but minimize the chance of them taking place to begin with.