The Latest Web Design Trends – and if You Should Follow Them

Web design is a lot like many other creative areas, in that there’s always going to be ups and downs in terms of what’s hot and interesting. If you’re a small business owner looking to create a website of your own, this puts you in a unique position. Generally, you have limits in budget and time, so you want to be sure that you incorporate trends, not just for their own sake, but because they make sense for your needs. Here are some of the standout things to consider.

Quality over Quantity For Content

Content marketing is an essential aspect of many small business websites, not only providing easy added value for your customer but also assisting on the back end of the website with some SEO help. However, a lot of websites are catching on to this, which is changing the way we need to approach it. Over the last few years, the length of the average blog post has been growing. It’s believed this is because of the correlation between search engine ranking and time spent on websites. Make sure that you do added research and planning when it comes to your content strategy.

Vibrant Color Schemes

For a while, professionalism equaled “web-safe” colors in the mind of many, but nowadays, the mindset is starting to change. Due to advances in monitors and devices that can show off rich colors in high definition, these are becoming more popular. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you should always go this route. Think about your audience and if it still makes sense to use colors like these. If so, you can stand out in a hurry.

Mobile Browsing

Mobile browsing is actually beginning to overtake desktop options for a lot of shoppers. We’ve already talked about how important this is, but it also impacts your web design in other, more subtle ways. For example, large, beautiful images are beginning to go away in favor of smaller icons. One fun visual touch that is getting more traction is using illustrations. These can be more evergreen than awkward stock photos and can be customized to your exact needs.


You’ve already heard of this becoming more mainstream with voice assistants like Siri and Google Home, but it also is becoming more common on websites as well. The most common example of this is AI chatbots, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. Keeping track of relevant tech always means you’ll be able to provide the best customer service.

Are you dizzy from all the different potential features and tactics to implement? That’s okay, but you probably want to slow down when it comes to implementing the trends. Making too many changes to your website at much may alienate certain users. In addition, not every trend may fit your goals (for example, using an AI bot for a simpler website). To make sure you’re not investing in something you don’t need, be sure to bring on a web design service.